19 September 2011

Stitch and Bitch Linz proudly present...

our very first TV appearance. A few days before our last meeting we got a phone call from the regional TV, ORF Oberösterreich, asking if they could do some interviews. We got a little nervous and let everybody know via our ravelry group SnB Linz - Wir maSchen was wir wollen that they were coming.

The lighting was brilliant for knitting, the lady whose name I didn´t get on the phone was very nice and well informed. And after you have seen the feature (it´s in German) you´ll agree that she did a really nice job. Thank you, ORF Lady!

You can find  our 3 minutes of fame on www.tvthek.orf.at select Bundesland heute, then Oberösterreich heute Friday 16.9. and choose Strickgruppe. voilá. maybe this works, too.

One surprised newbie was there for the first time without knowing about the TV crew, she just took a seat and knitted a little hat. She even helped putting up a piece of crochet graffiti. Well done!

I do apologize for forgetting the photo credits in the last post. The pictures were by hoegn and pipilotta. When nobody is mentioned they usually are by isenfriesen.

Now to less self-absorbed matters: we have heard about a very interesting art project on Austrian Knitting Addicts forum on ravelry and quote the artist Kate Just:
dear knitter
i am a kunstler from australia doing an art residency and large solo exhibition centering on knitting and the venus of willendorf at the factory, kunsthalle, krems on october 15, 2011. for this exhibition i have knitted my own skin in full and will have videos, sculptures and collages centring on an archaeology of the female body.

an important work in this show is a large cardboard sculpture made of five pieces that spells VENUS in knitting symbols. i want to cover each letter of this sculpture with knitted twine (ie the thick brown thread used to tie up packages). i am using this twine because it is thick and brown and references the knitted looking cap on the head of the venus of willendorf.
however my project is big and i need some help! i am looking for knitters who would be willing to contribute a scarf sized piece of knitting in any pattern or knitting gauge (thick, chunky, tight, small or even very loopy knitting on very large needles is fine!) to ‘dress’ my venus sculpture. all contributors will be listed on the room sheet in the catalogue, will be invited to the opening event, and will become part of the history of this work. if people are interested to come to krems to participate in one day of knitting and fun during which time we can all meet and also make the work, this is something i would love to arrange with curators ( though i can also i can travel to vienna). however if people even just want to contribute a piece of knitting by mail this would be most welcome!
would you please send this email to your group or circulate to anyone you know who might be interested in this.? i hope to meet you and some members of your group in the future.
kind regards
kate just

you can also see the project call for knitters on http://www.facebook.com/kunsthalle.krems

If you would like to participate, please contact the artist directly: kateandpaula (at) hotmail.com

And if you´d like to join us for a meeting, just go for it! We are a very friendly, welcoming, helpful bunch. You wont regret it, promise.

Your next chances are
Tuesday Sept 20 from 6pm at Wirt am Graben
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Wednesday Sept 28 from 6pm at Café gonara's Sternhagel
stop Hauptplatz map web
Thursday Oct 6 from 6pm at Café Stern
stop Taubenmarkt map web

Wer auf ravelry bei  SnB Linz - Wir maSchen was wir wollen ist, war ja bezüglich der ORF-Dreharbeiten schon vorgewarnt. So ein tolles Licht zum Stricken hatten wir noch nie. Ich hoffe, es hat sich niemand von der Kamera abschrecken lassen. Eine mutige Neue hat sich trotzdem einfach dazugesetzt. Finden wir super!

Letzten Freitag saßen wir dann alle gespannt vor irgendeinem Fernseher und warteten darauf, was das nette ORF Team aus den eineinhalb Stunden die sie mit uns im Café Stern verbracht haben gemacht hat. Wer´s noch nicht gesehen hat: auf http://www.tvthek.at/ Bundesland heute und dann Oberösterreich heute vom 16.9. auswählen. Der Beitrag heißt Strickgruppe. 

Wir waren wirklich begeistert, es ist ein super netter Beitrag geworden mit vielen unterschiedlichen Aspekten, sehr schön geschnitten und fast drei Minuten lang. Sogar der Blog wurde gezeigt. Leider haben wir uns den Namen der Reporterin nicht gemerkt, möchten uns aber auf diesem Wege ganz herzlich bei ihr bedanken. Danke!

Die nächsten Treffen sind zwar vielleicht weniger spektakulär, wir freuen uns aber immer über neue und bekannte Gesichter!
Dienstag 20.9. ab 18 Uhr im Wirt am Graben
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage
Mittwoch 28.9. ab 18 Uhr im Café gonara's Sternhagel
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 6.10. ab 18 Uhr im Café Stern
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage

04 September 2011

Hooray for yarn addicts!
We were having lots of fun during our last few meetings.

Our new venue Li+Do proved a huge success and we made an impromptu performance winding Wollmeise lace yarn in the dark. The flashlight helped a lot.  Like in a joke: "How many SnB Linzers does it take to wind a cake of yarn?" Naja lassen wir das.

Give us a basket of yarn and we´re like, well, yarn enthusiasts. Also please note that we seem to always get a yarnie table when we´re at Wirt am Graben (no, we didn´t make these tags, but we do like them)

How about we do a little round trip through the world of art as well, it being the week of Ars electronica festival and all. Please click on the links and check them out.

Kate´s crochet market  by Kate Jenkins is on exhibition in London until Sept 24.

Amy Twigger Holroyd has knitted a whole BMW engine in situ at the BMW plant Hams Hall. On her blog keepandshare.wordpress.com she says
"One of the BMW associates pointed out that the timing (positioning of the cams in relation to each other) was off on my camshafts, but then was impressed to see I could fix the problem just by swivelling the cams round. Apparently you can’t do that on metal ones!"

Nathan Vincent was already featured on here, I believe, but his locker room and filet signs are too good to be missed. And if we want to break down gender barriers we need Men at work too.

Some of you might recognize this artist from her mothers shop Laufmasche in Vienna.
Tanja Boukal has made this brilliant piece of illusion knitting: Those in Darkness drop from sight

The  fluid dress by casual profanity seems to be in the AEC in  Linz right now. No pumping though, just the object and the video.

upcoming meetings:
Tuesday Sept 6 from 6 pm at Café Meier
stop Hauptplatz map web
Wednesday Sept 14 from 6 pm at Café Stern
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Tuesday Sept 20 from 6 pm at Wirt am Graben
stop Taubenmarkt map web

Dieses Video ist zwar nicht Kunst, sondern Werbung, aber trotzdem sehr kuschelig

Andere Neuigkeiten: wir haben jetzt auch eine Gruppe auf ravelry: SnB Linz -Wir maSchen was wir wollen 
Dazu musst du allerdings bei ravelry.com angemeldet sein, aber das können wir nur wärmstens empfehlen!

Interessante Veranstaltungen in Linz, mit denen wir (noch) nix zu tun haben:
Frauen-Rundgang unter dem Titel "Langes Fädchen - faules Mädchen" am 14.9. Info und Anmeldung hier
Wenn du dich dafür interessierst schlagen wir vor, du gehst hin und kommst dann einfach nach zum SnB - und bringst von dort am besten gleich noch interessierte mit ;-)
FrauenSommerUni mit einem Urban Knitting workshop "verSTRICKungen" vonBetina und Antonia, die im März KnitHerStory organisiert haben. Info und Anmeldung hier. Pimp your shirt klingt ja auch cool.

Aber jetzt endlich zu den nächsten Terminen:
Dienstag 6.9. ab 18 Uhr Café Meier
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Mittwoch 14.9. ab 18 Uhr Café Stern
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage
Dienstag 20.9. ab 18 Uhr Wirt am Graben
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage