With the days becoming colder and foggier knitting is the best way to spend an evening or two. We are all frantically preparing for Secret Santa, and very discreetly trying to find out what the others are making (no luck so far).
Our Secret Santa (for details see last blog entry) will also bring another surprise. We are expecting visitors, not exactly from north pole, but even further away, and looking forward to meeting them. They are participants of a knitting cruise (Yes! Knitting cruise!) on the danube and are in Linz on Dec 6th. So there will be international stitching going on. Yay! Thank you Melissa at CraftCruises for letting us know.
We have been on the news again - Oberösterreichische Nachrichten have printed an article about us and The Big Knit (Austria has made incredible 152 361 hats). You can read it here (in German). We are glad that even more kniters and crocheters will find us now. Come along, you are all very welcome!
Knitting on the net found by friends and members: http://astoundingknits.blogspot.com/ or the oldest surviving knitting pattern here (a pdf from 1655)or these pictures about knitting addicts, captions in German. And if you send us a picture of yourself or your loved ones in any of these Christmas sweaters we will honour you for being extremely brave! I personally love 4,5,6 or 23.
On a more seriouse note: p/hop - penny per hour of pleasure - is a website that gives you patterns for free, for example the well loved Cranford mitts and only asks you to donate to Doctors without Borders a penny for every hour of pleasure it gave you. Why not make a pair at one of our
upcoming meetings
Thursday Dec 1 from 6pm at Cafe Stern
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Tuesday Dec 6 - Secret Santa - from 6pm at Gonaras Sternhagel
stop Hauptplatz map web
Thursday Dec 15 from 6pm at Madame Wu
stop Theater, Taubenmarkt or Hauptplatz map web
Das große Stricken war unglaublich erfolgreich mit über 150 000 eingeschickten Mützchen, die jetzt auch langsam in den Regalen auftauchen. Und wir waren damit in der Zeitung. Artikel mit Foto hier. Wir freuen uns sehr, neue Gesichter zu sehen! Auch anderswo wird übers Stricken berichtet, zum Beispiel Die an der Nadel hängen.
Aber jetzt ist es endlich Zeit, das Secret Santa Geschenk (siehe letzter Blog-Eintrag) fertigzumachen, ganz heimlich natürlich, und sich auf die nächsten Treffen zu freuen. Schau doch vorbei, wir freuen uns!
nächste Treffen
Donnerstag 1.12. ab 18 Uhr im Café Stern
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage
Dienstag 6.12. - Secret Santa - ab 18 Uhr im Gonaras Sternhagel
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 15.12. ab 18 Uhr bei Madame Wu
Haltestelle Theater, Taubenmarkt oder Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
27 November 2011
03 November 2011
From Scary Stitching to Secret Santa..
Scary stitching was - well - scary, full of yummy food and brilliant costumes. The last few (hundred) little hats have been delivered to innocent fruit towers and now we can focus on our very own knitting needs again.
But wait, what´s that secret santa all about?
Secret Santa will take place on December 6 and we´ll make ourselves some presents. One present, to be precise. If you´d like to take part in the fun all you have to do is knit or crochet some small gift another SnB Linz member would like and appreciate. (It should be worth about 7 €.) Wrap it nicely, take it with you to the party on the 6th and put it very discreetly into the big stocking. Once everyone has put their presents into the stocking, each and everyone gets their chance to draw one. So we all go home with a lovingly made gift, only who made it is a secret - at least for a while. Then we can get on with our Christmas party. If you can´t find the time to make anything, you´re very welcome, too. You just don´t draw anything and join the fun anyway.
If you wonder what to do with all those sock yarn leftovers now The Big Knit is done for this year, you could either go ahead with next year´s little hats already or consider joining the Hexipuff craze by starting a Beekeper's Quilt.
In this cute and quirky video here designer tiny owl knits explains what it´s all about and you can get the pattern here or on ravelry. You might want to have a look at her other patterns too. They´re just enchanting.
And wouldn´t we all like to have a yarn store like this in Linz? http://spitalfieldslife.com/2011/10/29/at-prick-your-finger/
Join us at our next meetings - newbies very welcome!
Tuesday November 8 from 6 pm at Dom5
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Wednesday November 16 from 6 pm at gonara's Sternhagel
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday November 22 from 6 pm at Wirt am Graben
stop Taubenmarkt map web
nächste Treffen
Scary stitching was - well - scary, full of yummy food and brilliant costumes. The last few (hundred) little hats have been delivered to innocent fruit towers and now we can focus on our very own knitting needs again.
Secret Santa will take place on December 6 and we´ll make ourselves some presents. One present, to be precise. If you´d like to take part in the fun all you have to do is knit or crochet some small gift another SnB Linz member would like and appreciate. (It should be worth about 7 €.) Wrap it nicely, take it with you to the party on the 6th and put it very discreetly into the big stocking. Once everyone has put their presents into the stocking, each and everyone gets their chance to draw one. So we all go home with a lovingly made gift, only who made it is a secret - at least for a while. Then we can get on with our Christmas party. If you can´t find the time to make anything, you´re very welcome, too. You just don´t draw anything and join the fun anyway.
If you wonder what to do with all those sock yarn leftovers now The Big Knit is done for this year, you could either go ahead with next year´s little hats already or consider joining the Hexipuff craze by starting a Beekeper's Quilt.
In this cute and quirky video here designer tiny owl knits explains what it´s all about and you can get the pattern here or on ravelry. You might want to have a look at her other patterns too. They´re just enchanting.
And wouldn´t we all like to have a yarn store like this in Linz? http://spitalfieldslife.com/2011/10/29/at-prick-your-finger/
Join us at our next meetings - newbies very welcome!
Tuesday November 8 from 6 pm at Dom5
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Wednesday November 16 from 6 pm at gonara's Sternhagel
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday November 22 from 6 pm at Wirt am Graben
stop Taubenmarkt map web
pics by thomas
Nach der gruuuseligen Halloween-Sause haben wir die letzten paar (hundert) Mützchen bei innocent abgeliefert und können nun wieder stricken, wonach das Herz begehrt.
Moment, Secret Santa? Was ist das denn?
Also - wir stricken und häkeln uns Weihnachtsgeschenke, genauer: ein Geschenk. Das ganze ist so geheim, dass wir nicht nur nicht wissen von wem, sondern auch nicht für wen. Das ganze geht so: Ein Geschenk machen, verpacken und am 6. Dezember zum Treffen mitbringen. Das Geschenk dann ganz heimlich in den großen Sack stecken. Sind alle da, wird mal kurz durchgeschüttelt und unter viel ooh und aah darf sich dann jedes Christkindl ein Geschenk aus dem Sackerl ziehen. Also mach bitte etwas, worüber sich ein SnB Linz Mensch freut. Der Wert soll so ca. 7€ betragen, damit es fair ist und niemand sich benachteiligt fühlt. Wir verstehen natürlich alle, dass ein solches Geschenk von einer Anfängerin anders sein wird als von einem Profi, aber mit genauso viel Liebe gemacht. Wenn es sich bei dir gar nicht ausgeht, dann komm bitte trotzdem zur Weihnachtsfeier, du nimmst einfach nix raus, wenn du nix reingetan hast.
Bis dahin gibts noch jede Menge Gelegenheit zum gemeinsamen Sricken und tratschen, Anleitungen entziffern und Ideen austauschen. Neulinge willkommen, komm vorbei!
Dienstag 8.11. ab 18 Uhr im Dom5
Mittwoch 16.11. ab 18 Uhr im Café gonara's Sternhagel
Dienstag 22.11. ab 18 Uhr im Wirt am Graben
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage
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