We enjoyed our December a lot, we had visitors from overseas by way of the river Danube, and we had our Secret Santa, and now we are enjoying our well deserved Christmas break.
But the New Year is right ahead, and at the beginning stands - as always - the Newbie Meeting, for those of you who always wanted to pop by, didn't think they could ever learn how to knit or desperately want to try their hands at crochet, haven't been in a while - just come along, there are others just like you and we will happily help you with whatever your fibery new years resolutions might be.
The fun begins again on January 8.
For some inspiration here are pictures taken at the last two meetings:
The Knitting cruisers' visit
and Secret Santa (sadly not the complete picture here, we had so much fun we showed some laxity in taking pictures - please accept our apologies if you or your gift cannot be admired here)
furthermore, there is some serious knitted street art going on in recent ads - featuring Magda Sayeg.
On the pic before the video links you can see her on my back mounting a tag in front of St.Pauls Cathedral.
So as mentioned before, first meeting of the year will be:
Newbie Meeting - Thursday January 8 from 6pm at Cafe Meier