... (works in progress) like these socks …

... or spinning …

If any or all of this sounds good to you and you would enjoy some company or helpful advice,
please just drop by and join us.
please just drop by and join us.
We can't offer the beach, sadly, but these charming venues:
Thursday August 11 from 6pm at Gerbereistop Hauptplatz map web
Wednesday August 17 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
Thursday August 25 from 6pm at Stern
nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web
Thursday September 1 from 6pm at Gerberei
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday September 6 from 6 pm at Wirt am Graben
nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web
Wednesday September 14 from 6pm at Cafe Meier