17 April 2012

In April weather we keep calm and keep on knitting or we admire what others knit and let knit.
 And shop for yarn, of course.

We had a great time at Woll-land when some of us were day-tripping to Wachau.

The bestest quirky yarn shop in the world Prick Your Finger have reminded  me of the beautiful Wind Knitting Factory by Merel Karhof. Yes, it is what it says. I love the drawing where all the houses have their own.

Mareili has found this brilliant project  by woowork.com about facial recognition scans.

 Or how about this?

And some glorious yarnbomber (yarnjunki ?) made this truly olympic scarf / railing cosy. Speaking of olympic - why not take part in the ravelympics? Just cast on during the opening ceremony and finish your project while the Olympic Flame is lit.

Do a few practice rounds at one of our 

Upcoming meetings:
Wednesday April 18 from 6pm at gonara's Sternhagel
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday April 24 fom 6pm at Dom5 (now with yummy Korean food)
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Thursday May 3 from 6pm at Café Meier
stop Hauptplatz map web

Und hier noch der Link zu Georgina's Zeitungsartikel: Strickkino.

1 Kommentar:

Georgina hat gesagt…

aah welch Ehre :D
extra den Artikel da.. also das wär nicht nötig gewesen *freu*

lg - ich plane, noch im Mai mal wieder vorbeizuschauen ♥