29 Dezember 2014

Happy New Knitting Year 2015 - and Crocheting, and Tatting, Spinning, Weaving…

We enjoyed our December a lot, we had visitors from overseas by way of the river Danube, and we had our Secret Santa, and now we are enjoying our well deserved Christmas break.

But the New Year is right ahead, and at the beginning stands - as always - the Newbie Meeting, for those of you who always wanted to pop by, didn't think they could ever learn how to knit or desperately want to try their hands at crochet, haven't been in a while - just come along, there are others just like you and we will happily help you with whatever your fibery new years resolutions might be.
The fun begins again on January 8.

For some inspiration here are pictures taken at the last two meetings:
The Knitting cruisers' visit

and Secret Santa (sadly not the complete picture here, we had so much fun we showed some laxity in taking pictures - please accept our apologies if you or your gift cannot be admired here)

furthermore, there is some serious knitted street art going on in recent ads - featuring Magda Sayeg.
On the pic before the video links you can see her on my back mounting a tag in front of St.Pauls Cathedral.

So as mentioned before, first meeting of the year will be:
Newbie Meeting - Thursday January 8 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday January 13 from 6pm at Wirt am Graben
nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web
Thursday January 22 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday January 27 from 6pm at Café Stern 
stop Taubenmarkt map web

25 November 2014

November is for … Knitting. December too.

Although this November had been unusually warm and bright so far, it has turned now to chilly winds and you can just smell the snow that is undoubtedly coming our way. Knitting and hot chocolate and nice people is just what you want these days. Especially if you can't have the blazing fire etc. So this is what we'll get. 

Not quite sure about the hot chocolate at Sisi Top, but there will be coffee for sure. And a lovely record player with a quirky collection of good old fashioned records. You actually need to change between sides with your own bare hands.. So we will happily click our needles to the tunes. And since this is an up-cycling studio cum shop cum cafe you might even get some christmas shopping done and have more knitting time to make yummy squishy things for yourself.

And we are very pleased to host a sit and knit for a group of knitting cruise participants. This year we were even announced as one of the tour highlights. I just hope we will live up to the expectation. 

I'd love to cruise the danube myself, and knit while the ever changing landscapes are passing by. Hey, we actually did that once, but only for an afternoon and it was summer then..

The Christmas Cruise will probably look more like this: 

Anyhow, we will meet at Cafe Meier and have a great time. You are all very welcome to join us, exchange views and techniques, admire the work of others and get a few rows done while you're there. If you are working on a secret present for a loved one our meetings are ideal - you get them done without fear of being watched. The only exception would be your SnB Sectet Santa, of course. That's the only gift where our meetings are not the perfect place to knit it…

So come on and join us at our upcoming meetings:

Thursday November 27 from 5 pm at Sisi Top
- upcycling studio, shop and cafe Sisi Top with a comfy couch and lots to see have invited us to come and knit with them again -
nearest stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday December 2 from 6pm at Café Stern 
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Friday December 12 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
- this will be a truly international meeting with knitting cruise participants from overseas -
stop Hauptplatz map web

and please make sure you can come and join us for 
Secret Santa - December 16 from 6pm at Wirt am Graben
- bring a handmade yarny gift and receive on in return.. we aim for about 7 Euros worth of yarn, endless love and priceless creativity -
nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web

20 Oktober 2014

oooops, looks like somebody has been too busy…
We're still up and running, meeting every week, and you are all very welcome to join us! 
(our group at ravelry may help with up to date meeting info)

So, here goes:
since you heard of us last we were knitting very much in public at the shopping night in the Atrium where lots of friends and strangers saw us knitting and having fun.

And we had what was most probably our last meeting at one of our very favorite places, gonara's Sternhagel, which will change owners and be a daytime venue only. The comfy couch and brilliant lighting will be sorely missed. We wish Christian the best of luck with whatever he will be doing. 

With winter weather just around the corner we will drink more hot chocolate and keep on knitting. Some of us even started with their secret santa gifts or - gasp - have done them already.
Save the date - Secret Santa will be on December 16 at Wirt am Graben this year. So, what is this Secret Santa all about? Our annual Christmas Party with Secret Santa gifts - come prepared with a handmade gift of approximately five to seven euros worth of material, gift wrap it and put it into Santa’s Stocking. Later in the evening you will be drawing a gift for yourself. If you can’t bring one, you’re very welcome to the party. You just won’t get a present then. 
We’re looking forward to all the pretty things we’re going to see. And to you, of course!

Upcoming meetings:
Tuesday October 21 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday October 28 from 6pm at Orpheus - left hand corner of the Nordico museum
stop Taubenmarkt web map
Wednesday November 5 from 6pm at Café Stern 
(if they're done refurbishing that is, please check) They're done!
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Tuesday November 11 from 6 pm at Wirt am Graben
nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web

26 August 2014

Happy Birthday, Stitch and Bitch!

Thats four, yes, really, four years of weekly knitting in public with likeminded people, lots of yarn, encouragement, newbies and regulars, needles, hooks, pattern advice and finished objects admiration, cake, and did I mention lots of yarn?

join us at any or all of the upcoming meetings
Tuesday August 26 from 6 pm at Wirt am Graben
nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web
Thursday September 4 from 5 pm we are guests at Sisi Top
upcycling studio, shop and cafe Sisi Top with a comfy couch and lots to see have invited us to come and knit with them -
nearest stop Hauptplatz map web

Thursday September 11 from 6pm at Café Stern
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Attention, attention, we had to change the date and venue!
now it is in the Atrium shopping mall, Entrance Mozartstrasse, stop Mozartkreuzung in front of the news agent (they're friends of one of our members and stock various national and international craft magazines) on Friday September 12 from 6pm, seating and coffee will be provided. map

Tuesday September 16 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
stop Hauptplatz map web

Dieser Sommer ist quasi ideal für Menschen die ohne Wolle nicht leben können: Keine klebrigen Finger beim Pulloverstricken, größere Stücke dürfen beim Nadeln ruhig auf dem Schoß liegen bleiben, und das neueste Paar Socken kann auch gleich angezogen werden. Geradezu perfekt, oder?

Ein Bekannter hat unlängst gesagt: Ich freue mich, wenn es regnet, weil wenn ich mich nicht freue, regnet es auch. Eben. Genug Zeit und Laune zum Stricken ist doch auch was Feines.

Stitch and Bitch Linz trifft sich nun schon seit vier Jahren jede Woche zum öffentlichen Nadelspiel. Außerdem besuchen wir Sisi Top - upcycling vom Feinsten mit Café dabei, beginnt ausnahmsweise schon um fünf, damit die Mädels nicht zu lange extra bleiben müssen, bin schon gespannt was ihr euch da alles finden werdet.

Die nächsten Treffen:
Dienstag 26.8.  ab 18 Uhr Wirt am Graben
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 4.9. schon ab 17 Uhr besuchen wir Sisi Top
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage

Donnerstag  11.9. ab 18 Uhr im Café Stern
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage
Achtung Änderung! Da das Stern noch länger umbauen muss, und uns eine Freundin von Gudrun gebeten hat, bei der Einkaufsnacht vor ihrem Geschäft zu stricken, verschieben wir einfach das Donnerstagstreffen auf Freitag. 
Warum dort? Weil es eine recht große Auswahl an, auch internationalen, Strick-, Häkel-, Näh- und sonstigen Zeitschriften gibt.
  • Freitag 12.9. ab 18 Uhr im Atrium bei der Zeitschriftenhändlerin Eingang Mozartstraße, Haltestelle Mozartkreuzung Plan

Dienstag 16.9. ab 18 Uhr im Cafe Meier
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage

29 Juli 2014

Summer Ahoi,

we went nuts at several textile markets and whatever the weather - we knit on.

Summer is also for being international. We knit on the beach and a nice girl from South Korea comes to learn how to crochet with us. She actually was the second Korean this year. We are always happy to see visitors and expats and exchange students with us. Come for a quick hello, come to learn a new skill, become a regular while you're in town. Makes us happy and we guarantee - knitting will make you happy, too. Join us on ravelry and every week somewhere in Linz City Center, this time even on a boat on the river:

Upcoming meetings:
Tuesday July 29 from 6pm at Wirtshaus Keintzel 
stop Hauptplatz web map
Thursday August 7 from 6 pm at Salonschiff Fräulein Florentine
stop Wildbergstraße web map
Wednesday August 13 from 6pm at gonara's Sternhagel
nearest stop Hauptplatz map web
Thursday August 21 from 6 pm at Café Meier
 nearest stop Hauptplatz map web

Wann wenn nicht im Sommer sollten wir ein Schiff entern? Neuer Name, neue Eigentümer, aber schließlich hatten wir da schon viel Spaß!

Die nächsten Treffen jedenfalls findest du in unserer Ravelry Gruppe oder hier:

Dienstag 29.7. ab 18 Uhr im Wirtshaus Keintzel 
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Homepage Plan
Donnerstag 7.8. ab 18 Uhr auf dem Salonschiff Fräulein Florentine
Haltestelle Wildbergstraße Netz Plan
Mittwoch 13.8. ab 18 Uhr gonara's Sternhagel
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 21.8. ab 18 Uhr Café Meier
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage

20 Juni 2014

Now it´s WWKIP day for real -
this year's picnic event will take place on June 21st - welcome summer! - in the community garden Donaugarten by the river Danube. link to map here Please bring your knitting, sun protection, your sit-upon should you have one and your picnic. (In the unlikely event of rain we will meet at the Lentia City, where the red couches are on the first floor if you enter from Hauptstrasse.) Of course, there is always the yarn bombing side of things, too.
Newbies, regulars and passers-by all very welcome! We'll start at 1pm for as long as we wish, maybe 5ish. See you there!

And there are pictures for you all to see from our last public appearance at the Kunst-und Designmarkt where we yarned up the entrance.
Here you go:
 and for better contrast:
so there we were, knitting away
and filling the place with bits and pieces

 from the floor to the railing
 And in case you saw this: it's hoegn's i-cord machine
 and she's winding

 and winding
and winding still

 while the rest of us are knitting, shopping and waiting for her to finish
 and runaa to wind the thing into this fine ball:
By the way, it ended up being the "Stitch _ Bitch" on the uppermost picture

So we hope to see you all on World Wide Knit in Public day or one of the upcoming meetings:

Tuesday June 24 from 6pm at Wirtshaus Keintzel 
stop Hauptplatz web map
Tuesday July 1 from 6pm at gonara's Sternhagel
nearest stop Hauptplatz map web
Thursday July 10 from 6 pm at Café Meier
 nearest stop Hauptplatz map web
Thursday July 17 from 6pm at Café Traxlmayr
 nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web

Dienstag 24.6. ab 18 Uhr im Wirtshaus Keintzel 
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Homepage Plan
Dienstag 1.7. ab 18 Uhr gonara's Sternhagel
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 10.7. ab 18 Uhr Café Meier
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 17.7. ab 18 Uhr im Café Traxlmayr
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage

27 Mai 2014

Temporary blog entry - sorry for being super busy...

Upcoming meetings
Tuesday May 27 from 6pm at Orpheus
Wednesday June 4 from 6pm at Wirt am Graben
Thursday June 12 from 6pm at Café Meier

25 April 2014

Every Day is Knit in Public Day

Deswegen stricken wir am 26. und 27. April im Eingangsbereich vom Kunst- und Designmarkt in der Tabakfabrik Linz, Eingang über den Hof in der Ludlgasse. Es soll ein gemütliches Knit-in werden, gemeinsame Strickgrafitti vielleicht sogar zum Weitermachen für andere - super. Wir haben Wolle und Nadeln dabei. Du magst dich kurz zu uns setzen, um an deinem eigenen Projekt ein paar entspannte Reihen zu nadeln, wunderbar!

Nicht genug? Komm zu unseren wöchentlichen Treffen..

Wir waren in London und haben dort mit den London Knaughty Knitters gestrickt. Hannah zum Beispiel hat diese tolle Kollektion aus diversen Resterln der Gruppenmitglieder gemacht:

Bei den wunderbaren Prick your Finger haben wir dieses wollige Mathematikobjekt von Fleur gesehen
The Algorithm Isles: the first in a series of ‘Pi in needle lace’ by Fleur Oakes 2014

Und hoegn kauft ihre Wolle natürlich passend zu den Drinks von curlycroeso und isenfriesen:

Dienstag 29.4. ab 18 Uhr beim Lentos Café
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 8.5. ab 18 Uhr im Cafe Meier
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Dienstag 13.5.  ab 18 Uhr Wirt am Graben
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage

Every day is knit in public day

To prove that we are knitting at the fair. Join us and knit (or crochet) with us. It'll be a drop by, knit-in, walk on event. If you want to leave your knitted objects with us to be worked on by someone else that's great. If you pop by on your way to the market stalls with your own knitting that's just as great. Else there's always our weekly meetings. You know you want to…

Tuesday April 29 from 6pm at Lentos Café
stop Hauptplatz map web
Thursday May 8 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday May 13 from 6 pm at Wirt am Graben
nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web

02 April 2014

April, April, der maScht was er will…

Zuerst aber noch ein kleiner Rückblick zu unserem Besuch im Salon Buntspecht, der uns allen sehr gut gefallen hat. Vielen Dank Belinda! Und Danke Marion für den Kuchen!

Auf den nächsten außerordentlichen Termin möchten wir auch gleich aufmerksam machen: Am Kunst- und Designmarkt sollen wir den Eingangsbereich bestricken, wer Zeit hat bitte kommen, zumindest für ein Neichterl. Termin: 26. und 27.April in der Tabakfabrik.

Bestrickende Zufallsfunde von unseren Freunden und Bekannten:

Danke, Gerhard!

und wenn du dabei Lust bekommen hast, mitzumaSchen: nur zu!

nächste Treffen:
Donnerstag 3.4. ab 18 Uhr im Cafe Meier
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Dienstag 8.4.  ab 18 Uhr Wirt am Graben
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage
Montag 14.4. ab 18 Uhr im Orpheus - linke Ecke vom Nordico
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Homepage Plan

We're no April fools, but we sure are mad about knitting. Come and join us:

Thursday April 3 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday April 8 from 6 pm at Wirt am Graben
nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web
Monday April 14 from 6pm at Orpheus - left hand corner of the Nordico museum
stop Taubenmarkt web map