20 Juni 2014

Now it´s WWKIP day for real -
this year's picnic event will take place on June 21st - welcome summer! - in the community garden Donaugarten by the river Danube. link to map here Please bring your knitting, sun protection, your sit-upon should you have one and your picnic. (In the unlikely event of rain we will meet at the Lentia City, where the red couches are on the first floor if you enter from Hauptstrasse.) Of course, there is always the yarn bombing side of things, too.
Newbies, regulars and passers-by all very welcome! We'll start at 1pm for as long as we wish, maybe 5ish. See you there!

And there are pictures for you all to see from our last public appearance at the Kunst-und Designmarkt where we yarned up the entrance.
Here you go:
 and for better contrast:
so there we were, knitting away
and filling the place with bits and pieces

 from the floor to the railing
 And in case you saw this: it's hoegn's i-cord machine
 and she's winding

 and winding
and winding still

 while the rest of us are knitting, shopping and waiting for her to finish
 and runaa to wind the thing into this fine ball:
By the way, it ended up being the "Stitch _ Bitch" on the uppermost picture

So we hope to see you all on World Wide Knit in Public day or one of the upcoming meetings:

Tuesday June 24 from 6pm at Wirtshaus Keintzel 
stop Hauptplatz web map
Tuesday July 1 from 6pm at gonara's Sternhagel
nearest stop Hauptplatz map web
Thursday July 10 from 6 pm at Café Meier
 nearest stop Hauptplatz map web
Thursday July 17 from 6pm at Café Traxlmayr
 nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web

Dienstag 24.6. ab 18 Uhr im Wirtshaus Keintzel 
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Homepage Plan
Dienstag 1.7. ab 18 Uhr gonara's Sternhagel
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 10.7. ab 18 Uhr Café Meier
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 17.7. ab 18 Uhr im Café Traxlmayr
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo ihr lieben Stickzicken,

vielleicht habt ihr einmal Lust vor oder im Sisi-Top-Shop zu stricken?

Wir würden uns sehr freuen!

Hoffentlich bis bald,


Iris hat gesagt…

Gerne, gerne...