Noch was fürs gute Gefühl: Magdas Hotel, das erste soziale Hotel Österreichs, braucht Lampenschirme. In etwa solche:
© Tanja7301 |
Wir werden auch beim Bethlehemstrassenfest am 16.Mai sein, und bitte unbedingt den World Wide Knit in Public Day am 13.Juni vormerken.
nächste Treffen:
Mittwoch 11.3. ab 18 Uhr im Cafe Meier
Haltestelle Hauptplatz Plan Homepage
Dienstag 17.3. ab 18 Uhr Wirt am Graben
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 26.3. ab 18 Uhr im Orpheus - linke Ecke vom Nordico
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Homepage Plan
Dienstag 31.3. ab 18 Uhr im Café Stern
Dienstag 7.4. ab 18 Uhr im Café Meier
siehe oben
… you will find lots of inspiration here on the blog.
You could for example knit a tea cosy like this one
© MrsIggulden |
for the Tea House Theatre in Vauxhall, London. They´ll give you tea and cake to show their gratitude. More details in this ravelry forum discussion: click. (Visible to all of you who have an account on the most wonderful fantastic and free knitting, crochet, spinning and weaving site there is. We also have a group there: SnBLinz)
Or you have a look at the German section for a Lampshade for Austrias first hotel that is a social enterprise. Or you just knit some birds and bees, flowers and trees.
Our next outdoor activities will be the Bethlehemstrassenfest on May 16 and WorldWideKnit inPublicDay on June 13.
As always: If you want company, kinship, help, encouragement and praise for your projects - just join one of our weekly meetings.
You know you want to…
Wednesday March 11 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
stop Hauptplatz map web
Tuesday March 17 from 6 pm at Wirt am Graben
nearest stop Taubenmarkt map web
Thursday March 26 from 6pm at Orpheus - left hand corner of the Nordico museum
stop Taubenmarkt web map
Tuesday March 31 from 6pm at Café Stern
stop Taubenmarkt map web
Tuesday April 7 from 6pm at Café Meier
details see above
1 Kommentar:
würde gerne mal kommen, aber es gibt keine neuen Termine.
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