Bei diesem Wetter kann man ja gar nichts anderes wollen als gemütlich bei einem warmen Getränk sitzen und stricken, oder? Nächste Gelegenheiten dazu bieten sich am
Dienstag 28.1. ab 18 Uhr Wirt am Graben
Haltestelle Taubenmarkt Plan Homepage
Donnerstag 6.2. ab 18 Uhr im Cafe Meier
Donnerstag 13.2. ab 18 Uhr im Café Stern
Beware, knitters, beware. It's crochet time with the return of the granny square.
They were actually part of a topshop collection this winter. See the coat/ tunic here. And there´s a whole lot of models wearing granny square dresses. More here and other faboulous projects you can find on ravelry (to view patterns you need no account, but really, you do!): A skirt, a hat, a jacket, slippers, and I love this hoodie or how about this project.. Even a bikini
Oh, why don´t I give you the whole pattern search.. Voila.
And yes, I do like granny squares. And yes, I made my own cardi at age 15, unvented from a picture in a fashion catalogue. It was screaming acrylic, because nobody would give me enough money for lovely coloured wool. But I did invent the squares, and I did steek, without thinking too much about it because how else would I get the V-neck, and pick up stitches for the knit on edging. My granny was so proud of me. And I wore the thing to school, which was, in hindsight, probably not as cool as I thought. But hey, I made it. (Yes there are pictures, and I'll bring them to the meeting)
And honestly, who doesn´t have this neverending blanket tucked away in a closet. Maybe we should all take the poor squares out and turn them into something else...
upcoming meetings:
Tuesday Jan 28 from 6 pm at Wirt am Grabennearest stop Taubenmarkt map web
Thursday Feb 6 from 6pm at Cafe Meier
Thursday Feb 13 from 6pm at Café Stern
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